Welcome! I am so happy you are here.

Let me introduce myself…

My name is Brett. My love for yoga began while I was in college studying environmental studies; the more I learned about the natural world, the more I realized that to truly be a steward of the land, I had to go inward and heal myself as well. As I started exploring Yoga Asana and Philosophy alongside my academic studies, I began to understand our bodies as a part of the larger biotic community we call Earth. As one of my favorite authors, Maya Tiwari writes,

“We are the air, water, soil, and light of the planet. Every grain of sand, every mountain range, every river, and every leaf contains the same elements. We should celebrate nature in our very nature…” (p. 5)

With that simple truth, I began to wonder… if I were to treat my body, mind, and spirit as I treat the environment with the goal of overall well-being, cleanliness, sustainability, and the ability to flourish, then how would I treat myself? How can I love myself, as I do the natural world?

This realization was the beginning of what I know now is a life-long journey. It led me to my first training with the Maui Yoga Shala, where I received my RYT200. When I came home, I felt inspired, but I knew there was more to learn. I spent time looking for programs that would fit my availability and needs and eventually came across PranaYoga Institute of Yoga and Holistic Health. Rooted in Ayurveda and Therapeutic Yoga, I felt very aligned with this program.

I received my RYT300 and accreditation as Ayurveda and Yoga Specialist with PranaYoga, and I committed to the full-time Yoga Therapy track. I have completed over 1000 hours of International Association of Yoga Therapy (IAYT) approved Yoga Therapy Training and am currently working under supervision and mentorship. I will be taking the exam in the coming months for the official IAYT certification.

I have fallen in love with Ayurveda and Yoga - for it has completely changed the way I view life and healing. The combination of Ayurveda & Yoga Therapy are the roots of my holistic offerings. I am currently completing my Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor certification.

It is my genuine passion for the healing modalities that encourages me to continue learning so that I can be the best Yoga Therapist for my clients.

I welcome you to four moons

…where your journey toward holistic well-being is about to unfold. Your choice to embark on this path reflects a commitment to self-care, self-discovery, and a harmonious life.

As your Yoga Therapist, I am dedicated to supporting you every step of the way, and I am honored to guide you through this transformative experience. Whether you are a seasoned yogi or new to the practice, I have designed Four Moons to meet you where you are & support your unique and individual needs.

I am open to offering both 1:1 & group sessions. Additionally, I have created BELONG | Four Moons |; a safe space for like-minded individuals who are looking to evolve, connect, & thrive to connect.

While Yoga Therapy can address various forms of dis-ease, my underlying goal is the same for all individuals: to educate, empower, and ultimately hold space for you as you awaken the healer within you.

As one of my favorite quotes by Yung Pueblo says,

“true power is living the realization that you are your own healer, hero, and leader.”

My Mission…

Four Moons Yoga Therapy is a wellness space rooted in Yoga and Ayurveda dedicated to empowering individuals to cultivate their unique expression of Svastha; a self-abiding state, in which body, mind, & spirit are in natural equilibrium.  

Together, the four moons - bodyfulness, conscious awareness, digestion and nourishment illuminate your intuitive wisdom & inspire you to discover the balance within. 

Dedicated to providing transformative tools & resources that may be tailored to all unique & individual needs, Four Moons meets you where you are to support you as you foster greater whole self-awareness, cultivate vitality, & discover the balanced lifestyle unique to you. 

The Four Moons

  • Focus on movement, breath, sleep, spatial awareness, and how we relate to others.

  • The state of presence and attentiveness to one's thoughts, emotions, actions, and surroundings, with a deliberate focus on aligning these aspects with one's values, goals, and desired outcomes.

  • Consideration of how what we consume: food, entertainment, media, people/relationships, environments, hobbies, sound/music, etc. effect our wellbeing.

  • Agni (digestion & metabolism), according to Ayurveda, is the gatekeeper of life. The state of our agni determines which substances enter our cells & tissues to become us, and which substances should be removed as malas, or waste (sweat, urine, stool). In addition to food, Agni is used to digest emotions, life experiences, stress, and ultimately the totality of our five senses.

One who is established in Self, who has balanced dosas (primary life force), balanced agni (fire of digestion), properly formed dhatus (tissues), proper elimination of malas (waste products), well-functioning bodily processes, and whose mind, soul and senses are full of bliss is called a healthy person.

— Sushruti Samhita 15/48

core values

Presence | Agenda-less Space | I am Love | Belong | Evolve

These core values represent the fundamental ideals & standards held by Four Moons that guide the behavior and decisions of all who participate in Four Moons in any way. These five values encompass the ethical principles, moral standards, & cultural norms that define the character and identity of Four Moons Yoga Therapy.

Let these values be your guide, as they have been mine.



The commitment to being fully engaged, attentive, and actively involved in all aspects of work. It emphasizes the importance of being present in the moment, both mentally and physically, and giving one's full attention to tasks, interactions, and responsibilities.

Agenda-Less Space

Agenda-Less Space

Approach each day without expecting specific outcomes. Being open and accepting of whatever happens allows us to embrace the present moment's opportunities and lessons. Instead of fixating on how things should be, we should appreciate what is and move forward with contentment. This doesn't mean abandoning goals or plans but rather embracing gratitude for what we have and who we are, and then progressing from there.

I am Love

I am Love

As part of the universe, we each hold boundless love within us. As members of Four Moons Yoga Therapy, we embrace this truth and learn to accept and share the love. Engaging in our daily practices helps us live in the present moment with ease and understanding. In this state of presence, it is most natural & intuitive to treat others and ourselves with love, as anything else feels unnatural.



Four Moons Yoga Therapy provides personalized and distinctive yoga therapies. Recognizing the individuality of each person's needs and healing journey, we emphasize that no one is alone. While we may be on separate paths, we are all together on the same journey. Four Moons is intentionally designed to give you the freedom to tailor your practice and engagement according to your preferences. Along the way, you'll encounter others on similar paths, fostering connection and mutual support. Let's come together and connect as we navigate our shared journey!



Evolution is a gradual process that all living beings experience, including humans. Our unique ability to consciously direct our own evolution stems from our remarkable brains. So, how do you want to evolve? It's not about what you'll become, as that's impossible to predict. Instead, focus on how you want to live and grow. As humans, we have the power to shape our own stories of evolution. The pen is in your hand—how will you tell your story?

Contact & Address

Fairfield County, Connecticut


(860) 372-1544